Friday, November 28, 2008

Jumper Show Suit

I don't usually do 100% custom pieces, they have to derivate from one of my already-done designs. but, well, i don't really have many designs for men, so I had to make an exception!

Just finished today a custom show suit for a singer friend (It was high time, this is going to be worn tonite ;-) )

custom jumper suit men from French designer custom blue checks man suit jumper slacks
It is basically a jumper suit, that is both vest and pants in one piece.

I also transformed a silly brooch I had made into a neck piece. Funnier than a tie,isn't it ? ;-)
custom brooch tie black rhinestone

This is only the first part, I am also working on the jacket to go with it, which will more or less resemble my sketch below... but won't be done this week!

custom man long frock coat jacket french designer
Dear Santa, can I get some more hours in my day?

And thank you Riz and Joniphippin for the awards, I am greatly touched :-)


TheSeaWithin said...


Unknown said...

wow. that's pretty amazing. and i know it'll be even more fabulous with the jacket.